Meelad: Dalil from Quran:

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Almighty Allah himself ordered to rejoice without any condition upon the Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). So study with attention please! Allah says in Holy Quran in chapter 21 and verse 58:

“We have not sent you but as a “Mercy to the worlds”

It’s cleared from this verse; the birth and arrival of Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) is a mercy.

Then ordered to rejoice on his mercy in another place in Quran, Surah Yunus,10- Verse:58

Proclaim: “In the bounty of God. And in His Mercy, in that “let them rejoice“: that is better than the (wealth) they hoard.

Some might think that mercy mentioned here does not refer to Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) thus we should not rejoice. So it should be cleared that it refers to Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him)

1-IbneJawzi reported in his tafseer from great Sahabi Hazrat Ibn-e-Abbas in Tafseer of verse 58th of Sure Yunus10 which you read above

The bounty mentioned in this verse means Knowledge (i.e of Qur’an and Tawhid) whereas Mercy means Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) (Ad-Dhahak narrated from Ibn Abbas that)[IbnJawziZ’ad al Maseer fi Ilm at Tafsir, (4/40)

“Bounty refers to Knowledge whereas Mercy refers to Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) [Tafsir Al-Bahr al Muheet, (5/171)

3. Imam Jalal uddinSuyuti ((Allah be pleased with him)) says:

Abu Sheikh (Allah be pleased with him) narrated from Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) That Bounty of Allah means Knowledge, whereas Mercy means Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) Allah Ta’ala said: We have sent thee not but as Mercy to Worlds (Al Anbiya: 107) [As-Suyuti in Dur al Manthur (4/330)

4.Allama Aloosi (Allah be pleased with him) explains that even Fadhl (i.e. bounty) refers to Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him)

Narrated by Al-Khatib and IbnAsakir that Bounty refers to An-Nabi (AlaihSalatuWassalam) [Al-Alusi in Ruh al Ma’ani (11/141)

Hence without any shadow of doubt arrival of Prophet (Peace & Blessings be upon him) is a mercy not only upon us but all worlds and creations of Almighty Allah, thus we should rejoice as we have been ordered in Qur’an as you read above (Chapter10-Verse58)

Almighty Allah took the day of Yahya:

Anyone could claim: Why do you make such good deeds as mentioned above like to recite Holy Quran or Holy Durood upon Prophet Muhammad  (Peace and blessings be upon him) far important on the birth of the Prophet? Pay heed! We did nothing until we had seen Allah did so as he told about Yahya (peace be upon him) in Sure Maryam 19- verse 15.

“So Peace upon him the day he was born, the day that he will taste death, and the day that he will be raised up alive (again)!” [Surah al-Maryum, (19:15)

Although Almighty Allah and Muslims recite Salam upon Yahya in other day than the day he was born but Allah made “Salam on him” special on the day in which he was born. So the days when Anbiya are born are days of “Peace” in sight of Allah. Then why are Anbiya’s birth days not days of peace in sight of a Muslim?

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